The 2 most memorable things at a wedding.

It’s hardly surprising that the major cost at a wedding is also the most memorable for guests, so spend your money wisely.

Everyone thinks that guests will remember the dress/outfits, the venue, decorations or entertainment. Of course those are still an important part of the day.

But what guests most remember are 2 things….


I can assure you that if someone leaves a wedding hungry they will remember that for quite some time. They may not remember exactly what they ate, but they will remember if the food was good or not . How awful after you have paid so much money, guest go home and have to raid their fridge because they are starving. No one wants that. You want everyone to have a good time and remember your special day for the right reasons

A lot of couples fall into the trap of choosing expensive and flashy food,  but why not go for simple food we all know and like. Plus food that fills the plate, instead of tiny portions in the centre of a huge plate that look very pretty but wouldn’t fill anyone up.

Before committing to a venue or caterer, ensure you check with previous clients if they were happy with the food and most importantly arrange for a tasting. Some venues do allow outside catering whilst others don’t so check this too.  As you may have a particular type of food in mind and the venue may not provide it.

I only need to say one thing about drink. Keep the drink flowing and everyone will be happy.

Again some venues allow you to bring your own drink, a bit more hassle but much more cost effective as long as the venue doesn’t charge a lot for corkage

I hope the above tips are helpful.



See a few simple food ideas below


1. Kebabs

600px-Chelo_kebab_1a    chicken-shish-kebabs-w600h450


2. Traditional Roast dinner

roast chick roast


3. Good Old Pie & Mash

Pie and mash pie


4. Steak & chips or new potatoes

steak cimg0127


5.    Hog Roast

 Beef Roast Main hog


6. Buffet gives the most variety but again try to keep it simple

wedding-reception-food-recipes   defourcurran-wedding-ap-568   buffet-stacked-dishes


Of course you must not forget to have a vegatarian option too.

shutterstock_76940707  Mushroom Rice in Chinese Style  veggies




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